GPS based head up display speed meter

Yes, this GPS based system actually projects your speed and direction on your windshield so you don’t have look down to read your dashboard. Just like jet fighter planes. The image may look like it is only a rendering of a concept device, but apparently these guys will receive this device via FedEx to do a review in the next week or so. It is manufactured by a company called GlobalTop and is officially named GPS HUD Speed Meter – it will be displayed at CeBIT.
Here are some of the features:
  • displays speed and direction
  • speed warning function which can be set up by user
  • receives 32 channels ensuring high accuracy speed and position information
  • integration via Bluetooth for connection to Smartphone or PDA navigation programs
Not sure how and why this device would need to talk to your PDA though. Maybe to setup those speed limit warnings… We’ll keep you posted.